It’s Time – Act, Sense, Decide, Adapt

“Never doubt that a group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

I started this blog out of frustration at the lack of real change in how we do things in Education, both here in Australia, and globally. If we are going to wait for top down change…we will be waiting for a very long time!

As Professionals, we have a duty to build, and continually refine our understanding of the world as it exists outside of our school walls and systems – like it or not, school is not the real world, for students or teachers. We have an obligation to imagine the world in 5 and 10 years time…(for that is the world that our students will live and work in) and we have a professional responsibility to prepare our students for that world.

We can only do that if we are at the leading edge – and that means at sometime we will be at the “bleeding edge”

To be employable our students will need an entrepreneurial, innovative mindset. They will need to take risks, and ‘fail fast’ – If you doubt that read the ‘FYA New Work Order‘ report. It highlights the fact that automation and adaptive intelligence are decimating jobs that focus on applying the same process or thinking repetitively. As teachers, and classroom leaders, we need to adopt the same mindset…how can we not role model the behaviours we are expecting from our students?

We need to have a voice in the global education debate, and the local education debate. In fact we have a responsibility to advocate for change for our students. Parents don’t have the time, and politicians on four year electoral cycles don’t have the inclination.

We are the voice for change…and if enough of us get out there and talk about what we know…it might just happen. This blog is my contribution to the debate.

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